Building In Public iOS Development

Building in Public – Expense Tracker 01: Introduction

Iā€™m building an expense tracker app, and live streaming the whole process! This is a blog series that will be like a written form of each livestream. I won’t be going into the technical details of everything but instead summarizing the livestream. First Livestream The first livestream was an introduction to what the app is […]

iOS Development

Clean Code for Swift – Chapter 3: Functions

What the func? Functions!! They do exactly what you tell them to do. They are the building blocks for modern day applications. If you try to make an app without using a function, good luck. How do we make functions clean? Keep Them Small According to “Uncle Bob” he says that function should rarely ever […]

Building In Public iOS Development

What I Learned as a First-Time Hacktoberfest Maintainer

Maintaining an open-source project is difficult šŸ˜… I knew this wasn’t a cake walk, but it did require more attention than I thought it would. Here’s a list of tips and other advice I’d recommend to anyone who’s going to be a maintainer for the first time during Hacktoberfest. Write a Great README A […]

iOS Development

Clean Code for Swift – Chapter 2: Meaningful Names

Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Chapter 2 is all about naming! Names of variables, functions, classes, objects, protocols (interfaces), everything! Why is naming so important? Everything in software has a name, from the iterator variable in a for loop to the package you’re importing into your project. The name tells you […]

iOS Development

Clean Code for Swift – Chapter 1: Clean Code

What is Clean Code?

iOS Development

Building the Job Application Tracker

Why Tracking job applications on different platforms and for different companies almost always ends in using a spreadsheet. I wanted to have a simple way to track job applications and try using SQLite in an application. Sketch First I created a rough design of what the app could look like, using Sketch. I brainstormed what […]

iOS Development

Should I learn UIKit or SwiftUI?

Should you learn UIKit for SwiftUI in 2020?

iOS Development

Hello World!

My first post.