Building In Public iOS Development retrospectives

πŸ¦„ Dev Diaries – Month 5

Hey, I’m Mikaela, I’m an independent iOS developer working on making my own apps profitable, and doing some freelance on the side. First beta test of Fruitful is released! And more updates from May 2024

Building In Public iOS Development retrospectives

πŸ¦„ Dev Diaries – Month 4

Welcome to my indie dev journey. New here? Hey, I’m Mikaela πŸ¦„ I’m an independent iOS developer working on making my own apps profitable, and doing some freelance on the side. Every month, I plan on publishing a journal / retrospective like this one to share how things are going with my business. You can […]

Building In Public iOS Development retrospectives

πŸ¦„ Dev Diaries – Month 3

This month was very busy and mostly travel! I only had 10 days this month where it’d be possible to do any work, and I only managed to do maybe 3 days of actual work, between traveling. But I knew going into March that I was going to be super busy and barely get anything done.

Building In Public iOS Development retrospectives

πŸ¦„ Dev Diaries – Month 2

Hey, I’m Mikaela πŸ¦„ I’m an independent iOS developer working on making my own apps profitable, and doing some freelance on the side.

Every month, I plan on publishing a journal / retrospective like this one to share how things are going with my business.

Building In Public iOS Development retrospectives

πŸ¦„ Dev Diaries – Month 1

Hey, I’m Mikaela πŸ¦„ I’m an independent iOS developer working on making my own apps profitable, and doing some freelance on the side.

Every month, I plan on publishing a journal / retrospective like this one to share how things are going with my business.